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Home / Occupational Health & Safety Policy

Occupational Health & Safety Policy

Save Time Visuals is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees, contractors and visitors.

STV recognises that Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) must be integrated into all operations in the organisation to ensure a health and safe work environment is provided for its workforce.

Save Time Visuals is committed to:
1. Compliance with relevant OHS legislation and acceptable industry standards.

2. Effectively consulting on all workplace health and safety issues with employees and contractors.

3. Minimising the risk of injury/illness to employees, contractors and visitors through the identification, assessment and control of workplace hazards.

4. Providing employees with information and instructions to increase understanding of workplace hazards, including work practices and emergencies.

5. Providing and maintaining adequate facilities and work systems for STV employees, contractors and visitors to the workplace.

6. Providing written procedures and instructions to encourage safe systems of work.

7. Providing employees with the necessary tools and equipment to assist in undertaking their work activities safely.

8. Maintaining records of documentation relating to OHS and making them available upon request.

9. Regularly reviewing and continuously improving the OHS policy, procedures and adopted practices.

STV is committed to encouraging consultation and co-operation between management and employees and will involve employees in workplace changes which will affect their health and safety in the workplace.